4 Delectable Picks From the Non-Veg Street Fare Of Chennai
Image Credit: Source: Unsplash

Street food in Chennai is not confined to vegetarian food but also includes a variety of non-vegetarian options that are extremely delicious and popular among the people in the region. And, believe us, when we say there is more to non-vegetarian street food in Chennai than just fish, we truly mean it. 

Here’s a list of non-veg dishes you must try off the streets of Chennai.


Athouk is a Burmese egg salad served with Mohinga, a traditional Burmese soup. Locals also like a noodle-based variant of Athouk. It's an ancient recipe from Burma's far-flung reaches that has smoothly assimilated into Chennai's cuisine. At a variety of stalls in Burma Bazar, you will get athouk. It will cost INR 150-200 for two.



So, which one of them are you yet to try?