3 Indian Sesame Desserts You Can’t Miss This Winter Season

Winter season arrives and we are all about eating warm, wholesome seasonal foods, isn’t it? While winter greens and hot beverages are all great, there are specific ingredients that may be there all year round, but makes their presence felt mostly in the chilled weather. Sesame seed (or til) is one of them. Found in many foods and desserts, sesame seeds are known to be naturally warming along with several other health benefits. Certain foods have the potential to keep us warm by just consuming them, and sesame seeds are one of them. What else do we need to beat the chill after all? This is exactly why all the winter festivals like Lohri and Makar Sankranti are celebrated with traditional sweets made with til or sesame seeds - gajak, rewari, ladoo et al. I love gorging on them during the winter season.  

One of the oldest oilseeds that found their origin in India, sesame seeds are rich in good fats, calcium, fibre, and other nutrients. But the best part is how they are super versatile. And this is why we’ve bought you certain desi recipes that use til to its best. 

1. Til Ladoo 

Ladoos made with roasted sesame seeds and jaggery, til ladoo is one of the most popular winter delights in India. Many people add saffron too to enhance its flavour. Due to its warm content, people make til ladoos in bulk for the entire season.  

2. Til Chikki 

Isn't this the quintessential sweet treat? I remember munching on chikki or gajak every day during my childhood. It’s like a sign of arrival of winters. But there’s no better way than to relish homemade chikki. Here’s the recipe. 

3. Til Modak 

Yes, you can make modak too with sesame seeds. Just some til. Jaggery and oodles of ghee, combined together for a delightful sweet you won’t be able to resist.