Zero-Sugar Gur Kheer In Six Easy Steps

By Ujjainee Roy

November 1st, 2023

Image Credit: Unsplash

Planning to make some gur ki kheer or nolen gur-er payesh? Don't fret about the calories! There are several ways of making a zero-sugar gur kheer that's just as delicious as its traditional counterpart. Here's an easy recipe for gur kheer that has absolutely no sugar.

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2 Litre Full Cream Milk  1 Bayleaf  1 Teaspoon Ghee  100 Grams rice  1.5 Cup Date palm Jaggery  1 Teaspoon Cardamom Powder

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Step 1

Wash and soak the rices in water for 10 -15 minutes. In a heavy bottom pan or sauce pan heat Ghee.

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Step 2

Drain the water and add rice and stir for 4 minutes on low flame. Add Milk and Bayleaf. Stir every 4-5 minutes.

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Step 3

Once the milk starts boiling  keep stirring every 2-3 minutes so that the milk does not scald on the bottom of the vessel.

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Step 4

When the rice is properly cooked and the kheer achieves the right consistency thickened, switch off the gas.

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Step 5

Let it sit for a few minutes and add the jaggery or gur. Mix it in with the kheer and close the lid for some time

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Step 6

Let it cool down to room temperature. Chill it in the fridge for 1-2 hours and serve chilled

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