Hypothyroidism Or Underactive Thyroid? 6 Foods To Avoid And Stay Healthy

By Aishwarya Sahasrabudhe

July 18, 2023

Thyroid imbalances like hypothyroidism slow down metabolism and affect the calorie distribution system in the body. This can cause weight gain, constipation and mood swings. Here are some foods that should be avoided to manage hypothyroidism.


Bread is a hard no-no for those experiencing hypothyroidism. Large quantities of gluten are difficult to absorb, can irritate the small intestine and increase fat stores in the body.

Fried And Fatty Food

Difficult to process and absorb, fatty foods like butter and fried foods like pakodas and chips are best avoided to manage thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) levels.


Metabolism slows down as a result of hypothyroidism leading to weight gain. So, it is best to avoid sweets and desserts that put excessive pressure on the digestive system.


Foods containing high levels of sodium like packaged fried goodies can lead to a higher risk of blood pressure which is already elevated due to an underactive thyroid.


Consuming large quantities of alcohol can have a toxic effect on the thyroid gland and put TSH levels further out of balance. Alcohol is a strict no-no for those with hypothyroidism.


This is a hard one to avoid, but caffeine interferes with the thyroid hormone that is absorbed through the stomach. It is best to avoid coffee especially for those on medication.