Yogurt To Mint Leaves: Top 10 Indian Foods For Digestion 

By Deepali Verma

Indian cuisine has many digestive-friendly dishes. Traditional Indian foods like ginger, turmeric, khichdi, and buttermilk can ease the digestive system and enhance gut health. 

Ginger Tea 

Take your multigrain fresh pizza dough, and roll out it. Spread out thin layer in middle of cashew cream on the base.


Papaya contains enzymes that aid in digestion and alleviate digestive problems. 


Yogurt contains probiotics that promote a healthy gut and aid digestion. 

Cumin seeds 

Cumin seeds have carminative properties that aid in digestion and prevent bloating. 


Ajwain helps in relieving indigestion, flatulence, and stomach cramps. 


Buttermilk is a cooling and digestive drink that helps in easing digestion. 

Fennel seeds 

Fennel seeds have digestive properties and can help in relieving gas and bloating. 

Mint leaves 

Mint leaves soothe the stomach and promote digestion. 


Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties and aids in digestion. 

Coconut water 

Coconut water is hydrating and contains electrolytes that aid in digestion.