Anti-Lactose To Skim, 7 Types Of Milk Best To Consume

By Ranita Ray

As a consumer of dairy milk, we must know the types of milk available in the market as we celebrate World Milk Day. The range can start from organic, full-cream, toned, skim, to even lactose-free milk. Each is different and has a unique character because of the composition.  Here're 7 types of milk you must know.

Organic Milk

Organic dairy farms closely adhere to organic dairy production protocols, and they only use feed and veterinary care for their cows that are certified to be hormone and antibiotic free.

Standardized Milk

Standardized milk with 4.5% milk fat and 8.5% solid-non-fat can be made from cow, buffalo, goat, sheep, or a combination of these kinds of milk.

Toned Milk

Toned milk has 3% fat and 8.5% solid non-fat from cow, buffalo, or both kinds of milk. Toned milk is consistent because no fat settles to the bottom.

Double-Toned Milk

Double-toned milk combines cow's, buffalos', or both types of milk to obtain a 1.5% milk fat percentage and a 9.0% marketed non-fat value.

Full-Cream Milk

Full-cream milk is made by homogenizing cow and buffalo milk to 6% milk fat and 9% solid non-fat. It is packaged and sold in a clean, robust, sanitary food container to prevent contamination.

Skim Milk

Skimmed milk is ordinary milk with the fat mechanically removed. Milk comprises 8.7% non-fat and 5% fat.

Anti-Lactase Milk

Lactose-free milk is cow's milk without lactose for people who can't digest it. Unlike ordinary milk, lactose-free milk includes vitamin D, calcium, and protein.