World Coconut Day 2023: 7 Essential Hacks To Handle The Hard-Shelled Fruit

By Shreya Goswami

August 30, 2023

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Coconut is a tropical fruit grown across parts of the world, and India’s vast coastline provides plenty of it for culinary uses. Here are all the essential kitchen tips you need to use coconuts in the kitchen.

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Selecting The Right Coconut

Pick heavier coconuts with no visible cracks or mold. Shake the coconut to check there’s plenty of water inside.

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Draining Coconut Water

Use a screwdriver to pierce the eyes of the coconut and drain the coconut water into a glass or jar.

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Cracking The Coconut Shell

Hit the shell at the equator of the coconut repeatedly and carefully to crack the shell into two pieces.

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Removing The Coconut Flesh

Use a butter knife or any sharp, thin-bladed knife to slowly and carefully separate the coconut flesh from the shell.

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Getting Rid Of The Brown Skin

Use a peeler to gently peel off the brown skin attached to the white flesh, or keep it on if you want more fibre.

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Storing The Coconut

Store the coconut water in sealed bottles and the coconut flesh in airtight containers. Refrigerate for further use.

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Use Smartly

Use each and every bit of the coconut, from the water to the fleshy bit to whip up snacks, curries, desserts and beverages.

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