Women’s Day 2023: Boost Bone Health With Magnesium-Rich Foods

By Jasmine Kaur

March 8 has been designated as Women’s Day and is celebrated worldwide. This year, let’s focus on women’s health and what they need to make bones stronger. 

Dark Chocolate 

With a great amount of cocoa and about 15% of magnesium, dark chocolate is a must-have to improve bone health. However, since it is high in fats too, moderation is key. 


A great healthy substitute for grains, quinoa contains about 28% magnesium of its total composition. This can be added to salads or used as an alternative for rice. 


Is there anything that leafy greens can’t do? They fulfill 20% of your magnesium requirement and are also packed with several vitamins and minerals. 

Dairy Products 

Low-fat options like skimmed milk and curd add over 10% magnesium to your diet, strengthening your bones in the long-run. 


Varieties like tuna and mackerel are a great source of magnesium, offering 25% and 20% of the required dose on a daily basis. 

Brown Rice 

A healthier variant of white rice, brown rice offers upto 86 mg of magnesium, fulfilling 20% of your daily requirement that is needed to improve bone health.