Winter Special: 6 Tips To Make Perfect Masala Chai

By Nikita Toppo

December 9th, 2023

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Masala chai is one of our favourite beverages during winter. Made with various flavourful spices, it keeps you warm during chilly season. Here are six useful tips to make a perfect cup for yourself at home.

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Add Fresh Spices

If possible, use fresh whole spices for making masala chai.  Crushing them just before adding enhances the flavour of the tea.

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Adjust Sweetness

Always start with a small amount of sugar and then adjust according to your taste. Alternatives like honey or jaggery can also be used.

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Choose The Right Tea

We recommend using a strong tea variety for your masala chai such as Assam tea.

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Ginger Is Key

Add fresh ginger to your masala chai for the best flavour. Make sure to grate or slice them finely for an intense flavour.

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Experiment With Spices

You can use any of your favourite spices for masala chai such as star anise, fennel seeds and nutmeg.

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Do Not Over Boil

Avoid over boiling the milk as doing so can lead to a bitter taste. Always simmer the chai on medium heat to achieve the right texture.

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