Wine Etiquettes: Do You Know About Them?

By Tanisha Salwan

Holding The Glass

One must always hold the wine glass with its stem and not the bowl. 

Swirling Is The Key

Swirling wine in the glass is not just for show off but it also enhances the scents and flavours. But don't swirl too much!

Check Temperature

While white wine is served cold, red wine is served when its slightly chilled. One must always pay attention to the temperature.

Avoid Rushing

You should take your time while savouring wine. It is essential to enjoy its flavours and scents.

Don't Overfill 

One must not fill the glass all the way to the brim. A standard fill is one third to half of the glass's capacity.

Toast With A Purpose

Make an eye contact with each individual you toast. Believe me, this really makes a difference.