White Sauce To Pesto - Tips To Get Your Pasta Sauce Right

By Risha Ganguly

What's in the sauce? When it comes to pasta - everything! So, we have some amazing tips for you to make 4 kinds of pasta sauce at home. Click to find out what are those.

Quality of Tomatoes

Opt for high-quality tomatoes when making red sauce. Tomatoes that have a rich flavour and lower acidity enhance the taste of your sauce.

Slow Cooking

Allow your red sauce to simmer on low heat for a longer period of time. This process helps to develop the flavours and creates a thicker, more delicious sauce.

Fresh Ingredients

When making white sauce, such as Alfredo sauce, opt for fresh ingredients like butter, garlic, and cream.

Adding Cheese

When adding cheese to your white sauce,, sprinkle it gradually while whisking continuously. This will prevent clumping.

Equal Proportion

Pink sauce is a combination of red and white sauces. To achieve the perfect balance, mix your red sauce and white sauce in equal proportions. 

Add Cream

To make your pink sauce extra creamy, add a small amount of heavy cream or milk while combining the red and white sauces.

Fresh Basil

Pesto sauce relies heavily on fresh basil leaves. Avoid using wilted or old basil leaves, as they may not provide the aromatic flavours.

Toast the Pine Nuts

Toasting pine nuts before adding them to your pesto sauce can enhance their nutty flavour.