Where Did Chikoo Come From? Find Out

By Tanisha Salwan

Chikoo is one such fruit that has the least number of haters. Have you ever wondered where did it come from? If you think that this fruit is native to India, you are wrong. Let's trace the roots of chikoo!

Mexican Roots

When Mexico was under Spanish rule, European imperialists used to take some fruits along. It was one of them.

Origin Of The Word

Sapota word is derived from an Aztec word ‘tzapotl’. ‘Tzapotl’ turned into ‘zapote’ in Spanish and ‘sapota’ in English.

'Chikoo's Existence

Chikoo word derived from the Aztec word ‘chicle’ used for making chewing gum. This natural gum was extracted from the sapota plant. 

Journey To India

Parsi textile businessman Sir Dinshaw Maneckji Petit imported chikoo saplings and planted them in his garden in Mumbai.

Gained Popularity

In 1901, Sir Dinshaw’s estate manager Ardeshir Irani took some seedlings and planted them on his land in Dahanu.

Bagged GI Tag

In no time, chikoo gained popularity. The Gholvad Dahanu chikoo even bagged a GI tag in December 2016. 

Current Scenario

Not only this fruit is widely consumed but India is also one of the largest exporters of it in the country.