When Life Throws Lemons, Make This Lemonade

By Rittwik Naskar

What can be better than a refreshing lemonade? It takes only a few ingredients and a couple of minutes to make this delicious, cooling drink.

Ingredients - 1 cup sugar, 3½ cups water, 1 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice, 2 whole lemons, and ice cubes as required.

In a saucepan add the sugar and a cup of water and bring them up to heat.

Once the sugar is completely dissolved and the syrup consistency is neither too runny nor too thick, take it off the heat.

Take 6-7 lemons and squeeze their juices out to fill a cup's worth.

In a serving pitcher, add the simple syrup, and cold water followed by the lemon juice. Stir them thoroughly.

Image Credit: paprikaspice.page

Cut off the ends of two lemons and make thin, round slices to drop into the pitcher.

Add ice cubes to a tall serving glass and pour the lemonade into it to serve cold.

Image Credit: bakingwithmom.com