Wheat Berries: The Unsung Super Grain

By Shireen Jamooji

So what is a wheat berry? It’s wheat at its most basic. The whole kernel with nothing but the outermost, inedible husk removed. It's full of fibre, nutrients and power-packed vitamins. Here's what you need to know.

How To Use Them

Wheat berries can be used the same way as any grain, in soups or salads or as a base for any curries.  You can also grind them at home and create your own high-protein flour to use in baking.

They Help Diabetes

The high fibre levels control the body's rate of absorbing sugars and thus lower the overall sugar levels in the bloodstream.

Weight Loss Aid

With lots of protein and fibre, wheat berries help you feel full and satiated for longer, making weight loss a breeze.

Reverses Anemia

Due to its high concentration of iron, wheat berries may help  decrease the risk of iron deficiencies and anemia, promoting healthy red blood cell production.