What’s So Unusual About These 5 Alcoholic Drinks? 

By Jasmine Kaur

While we usually sip on our regular booze or cocktails, there are certain unique drinks from around the world that are odd, unsettling and unusual. 

Baby Mouse Wine 

Believe it or not, Chinese soak a newborn mouse in rice wine to yield this concoction which is said to have medicinal properties. 

Fin Sake 

Commonly consumed during winter and fall in Japan, this beverage is made by simmering the blowfish or puffer fish’s tail in alcohol and is believed to keep you warm. 

Snake Wine 

A Vietnamese specialty, this wine is prepared by soaking a venomous snake in grain alcohol or rice wine. Since it has medicinal properties, it is consumed in China too. 


This Russian booze is considered to be low in alcohol and is made by fermenting rye bread. 

Placenta Cocktail 

The placenta is combined with fruit mixers to give this energy-boosting cocktail. It is also said to have good effects on the skin.