What Should Diabetics Eat? 10 Staples To Swear By 

By Jasmine Kaur

Diabetics are often told to refrain from rich, starchy and fatty foods and avoid sugar. But what is it that’s safe for them to eat. Here’s a list of those staples. 


Since it is a probiotic and gut-friendly food item, diabetics can consume it plain or with fruits and muesli. It helps to decrease inflammation in the stomach and has a low-glycemic index. 


A super popular fruit that’s usually mashed and slathered on a toast, avocados are rich in fibre and monosaturated fats that keep blood sugar levels in check. 

Almonds And Walnuts 

Nuts like almonds and walnuts are good for diabetics as they keep you full, add crunch to your diet and keep the blood sugar in control too, as per studies in medical journals. 

Chia Seeds

The super food that has been in the health sector for quite some time now, chia seeds have a low glycemic index and are full of fibre and protein, ideal for diabetics. 


Paneer aka cottage cheese is a dairy product that is low on carbs and a good way to reduce low insulin resistance, commonly found in Type-2 diabetes. 


Since it has an abundance of fibre, this desi porridge takes time to break down and release sugar in the blood, thus enabling less spike in sugar levels in diabetics. 


Rich in fibre and protein, oatmeal is one of the healthiest and most satiating ways to have breakfast, particularly for diabetics. Flavour it with fruits, nuts and more. 


Don’t look surprised because eggs have been approved by the American Diabetes Association as a great source of protein for diabetics. Just make it in a healthy way and enjoy. 

Fresh Fruits 

While sugar-rich fruits like mangoes should be avoided, fruits like guava, cherries, oranges etc. are low in glycemic index and good for diabetes. 

Black Coffee 

For those who can’t give up on their favourite beverage, stick to a cup of black coffee or simply make coffee with skimmed/low-fat milk. 

Green Vegetables 

Green, leafy veggies like spinach, kale and arugula leaves are good for diabetics and contain a host of nutrients.