By Ujjainee Roy
October 26th, 2023
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The doppio which is often considered the standard way of serving espresso worldwide is an easy measure of coffee. Here are some more details about doppio.
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Doppio is a double shot of espresso extracted using double the amount of ground coffee which results in 60 ml of drink, double the amount of a single shot of espresso.
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A doppio has the same taste and the exact ratio of coffee to water as an espresso; there’s just more of it portion-wise
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The name doppio means 'double' in Italian and refers to a double shot or two espresso shots. Un caffe is a single espresso, and a doppio is a double shot.
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Espresso machine Double portafilter basket 20g coffee beans Coffee grinder
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Grind your beans to a medium-fine grind like espresso grounds are usually prepped
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Fill and tamp a double portafilter and place it into your espresso maker.
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Place the scale under your cup and start the extraction.
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Stop the extraction when you reach a volume of 2 oz and you have your doppio
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