Weight Loss To Gut Health: 6 Benefits Of Urad Dal

By Niveditha Kalyanaraman

September 27th, 2023

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Urad dal, also called black gram, is a prominent ingredient found in India. It's quite a versatile additive to dishes and is quite healthy too. Here are 6 benefits of having Urad Dal in your diet.

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Weight Loss

Urad dal puts a stop to your mid-day snacking habits and can also curb your hunger pangs. It keeps you fuller for long and curbs additional calorie consumption.

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Heart Health

Potassium present in this type of lentil helps in facilitating proper blood circulation throughout the body, thereby preventing any damage from being caused to your arterial walls.

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Diabetic Friendly

Because of its rich fibre content, it's a good inclusion for diabetic people. The nutrient-packed black gram can keep your glucose levels in check to maintain your diabetes in a controlled and manageable range.

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Bone Health

Urad dal makes sure that your bones are tended to and get the nutrition they need, to stay stronger. You can also avoid developing bone disorders by consuming this lentil.

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Kidney Health

Urad dal is a diuretic and it flushes out all toxins and other harmful substances from the kidney. This helps prevent the formation of kidney stones and ensures that your kidney is well maintained.

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Gut Health

Being a very rich source of soluble and insoluble fibre, the lentil speeds up the process of digestion in the body and can be a great remedy for constipation, diarrhoea, etc.

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