Weight Loss 'Raw Until Lunch' Diet, 7 Tips To Follow

By Aishwarya Sahasrabudhe

August 15, 2023

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A low-calorie detox diet, 'raw until lunch' essentially refers to refraining from eating any cooked foods until lunchtime to up the intake of fibre-rich fruits and veggies. Here are some tips to make the most of your raw until lunch diet for a fat loss regime.

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Plan Your Meals

One of the easiest hacks to reap the most benefits out of this diet is to plan your weekly meals well in advance so that your fridge and pantry can be stocked with raw produce.

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Eat Seasonal Foods

If you are doing a raw until lunch diet, make sure the first half of the day involves eating fruits and veggies that are in season so that they can be processed well by the body.

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Adjust Workout Routine

Since you will feast on a plate of fruits or some dry fruits in the morning, make sure you adjust your exercise regimen in such a way that there is no shortfall of energy-giving foods.

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Hydrate Well

Have some lemon water with salt to maintain pH levels in the body and keep on drinking water at regular intervals for a smooth detox process and lowered risk of headaches.

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Eat When Hungry

Listen to your body's signals and grab a quick bite of a fruit or some nuts when you feel hungry. Hunger can lead to irritation which can up the risk of you breaking away from the diet regime.

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Have Milk

Milk induces a feeling of satiety so have a glass of milk to ward off severe hunger pangs. As a complete meal, milk also fulfils the body's essential requirements of proteins, fats and carbs.

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Eat Fruits Before Noon

If you are going on a strict raw until lunch diet, make sure you consume all your fruits before noon because the liver, which processes fructose, does its best work in the morning.

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