Weight Loss: High-Fiber Vegetables To Have 

By Tanisha Salwan

Weight loss is hard and following a strict diet is the hardest part. It is considered beneficial to have a high-fiber diet. Fiber facilitates better digestion and is considered highly beneficial especially during the weight loss journey.  


Broccoli has a high amount of soluble fiber which prevents digestive issues and helps in losing weight. 


When it comes to fiber, beetroot could be a great option. Besides, it is power packed with other nutrients like folate, iron and potassium. 


Considered a boon for eyes, carrots are loaded with both soluble and insoluble fiber along with several other minerals and vitamins. 

Green Peas

These little green gems are loaded with fiber. Not just they keep hunger pangs at bay but also benefits the body in so many ways.  


Cucumber has a high-water content which makes it ideal for weight loss. It is power packed with fiber and gives best results when consumed with peels.