Weight Loss Diaries: How Helpful Is Black Tea?

By Risha Ganguly

Black tea can be a helpful addition to a weight loss regimen. It can offer certain benefits that may support your weight loss efforts. Let us look at how helpful black tea is.

Caffeine Boost

Black tea contains caffeine, which can increase your energy expenditure and help boost your metabolism. This can help burn more calories.

Weight Management

Studies suggest that the compounds found in black tea, such as theaflavins may promote fat oxidation and help in weight management.

Controls Hunger Pangs

Black tea has an appetite-suppressing effect due to its caffeine content. Consuming it can help reduce hunger pangs.


Drinking black tea without added sugar or milk can contribute to your daily fluid intake.

Reduces Bloating

Black tea's diuretic properties may help reduce excess water retention, alleviating bloating.