Weight Loss: 6 Vegetables You Must Include In Your Diet 

By Nikita Toppo

Weight loss is a challenging task but with a little effort and proper diet, the desired goal can be achieved. If you are also trying to shed some extra kilos from your body, here are six vegetables that can help you.


Spinach and other leafy vegetables are known to be very nutritious along with being low in calories that contributes to weight loss.


Mushrooms are rich in protein and help in increasing metabolism that is necessary for losing weight.


Cauliflower is rich in vitamin C and folate that is also good for digestive system along with weight loss.


Packed with vitamins and minerals, this gorgeous green vegetable contains phytochemicals that help in losing fats from the body.


Being rich in fibre, carrots are also low in calories that can help you in shedding some of those extra kilos.


Cucumbers are high in fibre and low in calories that makes it ideal for adding into your weight loss diet.