Want To Make Fluffy Puris? Follow These Simple Tips

By Suprita Mitter

September 23, 2024

Making fluffy, perfectly puffed puris is an art that comes with a few simple techniques and tips. Puris are a popular Indian bread, often served with potato curry, chole, or other flavourful gravies. Here are some easy ways to ensure that the puris fluff up nicely.

Knead a Firm Dough

The dough for puris should be firmer than chapati dough. Add water gradually and knead until smooth and firm. Soft dough absorbs more oil and results in greasy puris.

Let the Dough Rest

Allow the dough to rest for 10-15 minutes before rolling. This helps the gluten develop, making the puris easier to roll and puff up during frying.

Avoid Too Much Dry Flour

While rolling, use very little dry flour to prevent it from burning in the oil. Instead, grease your rolling surface or hands with a few drops of oil.

Roll Evenly

Roll the puris to an even thickness, neither too thick nor too thin. Uneven rolling can prevent them from puffing up or leaving parts uncooked.

Ensure The Oil Is Hot 

Heat the oil well before frying. Test it by dropping a small piece of dough. If it rises quickly with bubbles, the oil is ready. Hot oil helps puris puff up instantly.

Keep the Temperature Consistent

Maintain a medium-high flame. If the oil is too hot, puris will brown too quickly without puffing up. If too cool, they’ll absorb oil and become soggy.

Don't Overcrowd The Kadhai

Fry puris one at a time and press them gently with a slotted spoon as they cook to help them puff up fully.