Want To Lose Weight? Check Out These 10 Breakfast Recipes

By Bornika Das

Breakfast are the healthiest meal of the day. It is important to have a healthy breakfast as this meal will keep you going throughout the day. If you're planning for weight loss, then these 10 breakfast recipes will keep you fit and help you to shed extra kilos. Try these:


These whole grains are high in fibre and contain important nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Oats are low in calories, which helps in losing weight.

Boiled Eggs

Eggs are a good source of high quality protein and essential nutrients. Eggs can help you to keep you full for longer time. 

Baked Beans

This can be considered to be a healthy weight-loss breakfast. They are a good source of fibre and plant-based protein. This can help promote weight loss by keeping you fuller for a longer time.

Avocado Toast

Toast a slice of whole grain bread and spread it with mashed avocado. For seasoning add salt and pepper. Add lemon juice for ore flavour. You can also top it with sliced tomatoes and eggs.

Quinoa Breakfast Bowl

Cook quinoa according to instruction given on the package. Top the dish with sauteed vegetables and make it a filling meal.


This traditional Indian breakfast can be a weight loss option. It is low in calories and high in fibre and provides sustained energy


It is a weight-loss friendly breakfast choice. It is cooked with vegetables and spices making it a perfect meal for breakfast.

Fruit Bowl

Fruits are low in calories and high in fibre and are full of vitamins and minerals. They can provide natural sweetness and satiate your sweet tooth. Besides, they help you keeping full.

Besan Cheela

This dish helps in weight loss process. Besan is high in protein and fibre. This is nutritious and can be cooked in minimal oil. It keeps you full for long hours.

Veggie Omelette

Make this omelette by whipping egg whites or whole eggs. Load it with colourful vegetables like spinach, bell papers, onions and mushrooms. Serve it with fresh salsa and sliced avocado,