Want To Lose Weight? 6 Reasons To Try Lemon Water

By Risha Ganguly

Lemon water has been touted as a natural remedy for weight loss and overall health. While it's important to note that lemon water alone is not a magic solution for shedding pounds, it can be a beneficial addition to a healthy lifestyle.


Staying hydrated is crucial for weight loss as it helps maintain optimal bodily functions. Hydration can also help regulate your appetite.

Low Calorie

Lemon water is a low-calorie beverage. By substituting sugary drinks like soda with lemon water, you can reduce your overall calorie intake. 


Lemons are known for their detoxifying properties. When your body eliminates toxins, it operates optimally, which helps weight management.

Fast Metabolism

Lemon water has been claimed to boost metabolism.  A faster metabolism can potentially contribute to weight loss efforts.

Appetite Control

The pectin fibre found in lemons may help curb your appetite and reduce cravings. 

Better Digestion

Lemon water can aid digestion by stimulating the production of digestive enzymes.