Want To Keep Dhaniya And Pudina Fresh? 6 Tips To Help

By Tanisha Salwan

Sept 10, 2023

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Remove Stems

Removing stems can promote better airflow and prevent moisture buildup.

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Rinse and Dry

One must rinse pudina and dhaniya in cold water to remove any dirt and dry them properly to prevent excess moisture.

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Discard Bad Leaves

Take pudina and dhaniya. Remove yellow leaves and discard them to prevent mold.

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Store Properly

One must store dhaniya and pudina in an airtight container lined with a paper towel. 

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Place chopped herbs in an ice cube tray with olive oil. Freeze for longer storage.

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Change Water

With roots attached, pudina and dhaniya can be kept in a glass of water. In such a case, one must keep changing the water.

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