7 Stomach-Friendly Foods That Keep Your Skin And Body Healthy

By Ranita Ray

If your skin is getting worse and you're falling sick more often, check your diet. Your gut health and microbes depend on several factors, including food. Include these 7 stomach-friendly items in your diet.


Beans include baked beans, black-eyed peas, garbanzo beans, lima beans, pinto beans, and kidney beans. They are full of fibre, which accelerates digestion. Enjoy them in salads, curries, hummus, soups, and pasta.


A medium-sized kiwi has 2.5 grams of fibre. The intestine benefits significantly from this dietary fibre. A 2013 nutrition study found that constipated adults can benefit from eating two kiwis daily.


Carrots are abundant in fibre and great for gastrointestinal health. So, eating them raw or in a salad is the best method to achieve the daily limit. Remember, carrots lose fibre when cooked excessively long.


A medium-sized pear with skin offers 5–6 grams of fibre, according to research. Pear's high fibre content may help your digestive system. They aid in body detoxification.


Apples have a lot of fibre, which helps regulate bowel movements. Moreover, apples help you get the glowing, glistening complexion you've always wanted.


Ginger aids digestion and soothes upset stomachs. The book "Healing Foods" claims ginger protects and cures the gut, speeds food transit through the GI tract and lowers wind, bloating, and cramps.

Whole Grains

Have a whole-grain breakfast to start your day healthy. Eat more whole bran, oats, and cereal. They're high in fibre to make up for your body system's deficiency.