Want Flawless Skin? Get A Glass Of Red Wine 

By Tanisha Salwan

Aug 30, 2023

Image Credit: Unsplash

Do you want healthy and flawless skin? If yes, it's time to get your hands on red wine. Apart from the joy red wine brings, it can also do wonders for the skin. Here are 6 ways how red wine can help you get a clear and flawless skin.

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Prevents Early Ageing

Red wine has antioxidants that can restore skin's  elasticity and can prevent early signs of ageing.

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Helps In Skin Toning

As per studies, red wine helps in tightening skin pores. It also evens the skin tone. 

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Prevents Acne

With its antiseptic and anti-bacterial properties, red wine can prevent acne breakouts.

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Helps In Beauty Sleep

After drinking a glass of red wine, you sleep better. It contains melatonin which regulates sleep cycle.

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Provides Glow

Red wine has such properties that can restore skin's glow that was lost due to pollution or stress.

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Repairs The Skin

Red wine also has amino acids that can help in skin renewal process. 

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