Want Better Digestion? Avoid These 5 Vegetables

By Tanisha Salwan

Aug 1, 2023

Indigestion could be the root cause of so many health issues. Even some of the healthiest foods can lead to poor digestion. You know what Ayurveda says? As per Ayurvedic Expert Dr. Nitika Kohli, here are 5 vegetables that you must avoid for better digestion. Have a look:


According to Dr Kohli, the sheetal and guru properties of cabbage can impair the digestive fire.


Because of its cooling and watery nature, cauliflower can hinder digestive fire.

Bell Peppers

Its raw nature can disturb digestive fire and can cause Amlapitta and aggravate Vata and Pitta dosha. 


As per Ayurvedic expert, spinach can lead to gastrointestinal infections and digestive issues, especially during monsoon.


According to Dr Nitika Kohli, the hot and sour properties of tomato can cause Amlapitta (acidity) and can aggravate Tridosha.