Want A No-Bake Dessert? Try This Fruit Custard

By Vidushi Singh

This Fruit Custard recipe combines fresh fruit with a rich vanilla custard. A tasty, simple dessert, this Fruit Custard is a must try!


2.5 cups whole milk 5 tbsp sugar 3 tbsp custard powder 3 tbsp whole milk warm or at room temperature 1.5 to 2 cups chopped mixed fruits- apples mangoes sapota banana pears strawberries pomegranate

Step 1

Put milk in a skillet or pot with a thick bottom and heat it. The milk should be heated or simmered slowly.

Step 2

Take 3 tablespoons of the warm milk from the saucepan and place it in a small bowl while the milk is heating. Include 3 tbsp custard powder.

Step 3

Using a whisk, thoroughly stir the ingredients to create a lump-free, slurry or paste.

Step 4

Now Add the sugar after the milk has reached a mild simmer. To ensure that the sugar melts, stir vigorously.

Step 5

Maintain the heat at a low setting and gradually add the custard paste. To avoid lumps, mix briskly after adding each piece of the custard slurry or paste.

Step 6

While the custard is cooking, stir often to prevent lumps from forming. Over low heat, cook for approximately 5 to 6 minutes.

Step 7

Slowly, the mixture will thicken. Cook for a few more minutes if you want a thicker custard.

Step 8

Cool at room temperature or chill the custard in the refrigerator. Now Slice the fruits you want to add.

Step 9

Once the custard is chilled add the fruits and mix. Now garnish with nuts and Enjoy!