Want A Healthy Lifestyle?  Avoid These Desi Foods After 7 PM

By Aanchal Mathur

Did you know that eating certain foods late at night can pose quite a risk to health? As per experts, eating several  foods post 7 pm can cause several health issues. Wondering what you must avoid eating after 7 pm? Read on.


A potful of aromatic biryani is  hard to resist. But did you  know too much biryani  may also increase the risk  of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver  Disease (NAFLD)?

Caffeinated Drinks

We all know caffeinated drinks  are often consumed to  energise the body, but when  you consume caffeinated  beverages - like tea, coffee,  it affects our sleep and  hampers overall health.

Spicy Food

Most Indian dishes are full of  spices - be it your regular  curries, biryanis, snacks,  and more. But consuming  such spicy dishes at night can  cause severe heartburn,  experts reveal.

Sweet Dishes

Consuming sweet treats after  7 pm can hamper the way your  body sleeps. It can disrupt the  body’s sleep patterns and  might make you crave  more of it.


Pakoras after 7 pm can lead to stomach irritation, and also  hamper your sleep. Deep-fried pakoras are highly acidic  in nature, and according to  experts, highly acidic  foods aren’t easy to digest.