Want A Happy Life? Avoid 6 Food That Worsen Depression

By Bornika Das

Depression is a condition that either elevates or lowers one’s mood. If you’re suffering from depression, proper counselling is required. But do you know nutrition plays an important role in managing depression? If the wrong foods are taken at the wrong time, it worsens depression. Here are 6 foods that you must avoid that elevate your depression. 

Fast Food 

Although fast food may be convenient and cheap but it may take a toll on your overall health. According to studies, fast food can increase the depression symptoms. 

Refined Sugar 

High intake of refined sugar in your diet can increase inflammation and cause hormonal imbalance. This can cause depression symptoms worse. 

Artificial Sweeteners 

If you opt for artificial sweeteners in your diet, it is absolutely a bad idea for those suffering from depression. Artificial sugars can trigger depression and irritable mood. 

Processed Meat 

Although they are easy to cook, they have the potential to aggravate the signs of depression. It even leads to high inflammation. 


If you’re suffering from depression, alcohol will not help you rather will have a egative impact on your mood and behaviour.  


Including too much salt in your diet not only affects your blood pressure but also makes mental health conditions such as depression worsen. Reducing its quatity may help.