Vegetables That Are Perfect For Cocktail Garnishes

By Deepali Verma 

Vegetables are a great alternative to traditional cocktail garnishes because of their freshness, colour, and texture. Some good options for cocktail vegetables as garnishes are listed below. 


Cucumber slices or stalks provide a crisp, cold taste to cocktails. They're great in gin-based cocktails like the Gin and Tonic or Cucumber Martini. 


For savoury drinks like Bloody Marys, celery sticks or leaves are garnished. The drink's robust flavours match celery's crisp and bitterness. 

Cherry Tomato 

Cherry tomato skewers make cocktail garnishes fun. They brighten and sweeten. Serve them with vodka or Tomato Martinis. 


Muddled or sliced jalapenos spice cocktails. They add a strong, hot garnish to margaritas and spicy vodka beverages.