Use These Tricks To Pick Out The Perfectly Ripe Watermelon

By Devi Poojari

There are few things that seem as disappointing as bringing home a bland watermelon. Learn how to pick the one for you using these simple visual and audio indicators.


If the green stripes on the fruit are a dark, moody green and the light stripes are a pale yellow, the watermelon is most likely to be juicy when cut into.


The large, discoloured patch on your watermelon should almost be a creamy yellow or orange for it to be a gorgeous red on the inside.


If the stem is withered and brown, your watermelon is ready to eat. If it remains green, you might want to wait for a few days.


If the pitch of a watermelon sounds deep and hollow when you tap on it lightly, the watermelon is ripe and juicy.


Pick a watermelon that is heavier than it appears to be. The higher the water content, the heavier it will be, which will result in a sweeter watermelon.