Use 6 Handy Kitchen Staples To Thicken Indian Gravies

By Aishwarya Sahasrabudhe

July 31, 2023

Trying to make restaurant-style gravy at home? Here are some thickening agents which give gravies a richer, denser texture and bring all the ingredients together in a sweet, sour and spicy explosion of flavour.


Add full-fat cream to any white, onion-based gravy to elevate its flavour, balance spice levels and thicken the mixture infused with aromas of ginger, garlic and pepper.


Eggs are an excellent ingredient for thickening non-vegetarian dishes because their taste seeps into the dish, elevating its overall flavour profile.


Use besan for potato-based curries to give them a slightly toasty, halwa-like texture that not only thickens the dish but also enhances its dense, indulgent flavours.


A paste of lightly toasted magaj or watermelon seeds can elevate the creaminess of a dish while binding the puree together. It is recommended to add magaj to tomato and onion-based gravies.


Mix white flour or maida in some water and pour it into an onion gravy to thicken the mixture. Maida works well to bind flavours together in particularly spicy preparations.


Use cashew paste as a thickening agent for white and tomato-based gravies. Cashews help to balance the tanginess of the tomatoes giving the dish a rich, decadent creamy layer of flavour.