Turmeric And Its Many Health Benefits

By Risha Ganguly

How many times have you heard your elders go on and on about the benefits of haldi? Well, they are absolutely right about turmeric being the golden spice.


The active ingredient in turmeric curcumin has several health benefits. It is anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant.

The Golden Spice

Both due to its colour and effectiveness, turmeric is called the golden spice. and curcumin has a huge role to play.

Dissolves Fat

Curcumin is fat soluble, it actually breaks down fats. It is recommended after a high-fat meal.

Pepper Makes It Better

Curcumin, when mixed with piperine, produces many benefits as the latter helps the body soak the former properly.

Lowers Heart Risk

Curcumin in turmeric cuts down the risk of heart failure and diseases. It also reverses the damage already done.