Trying To Lose Weight? These Snacks Can Help

By Nikita Toppo

Snacking is also tough while following a weight-loss diet. Here are five healthy snacks that can aid in losing few calories.

Popcorn is high in fibre content and low in calorie that helps in feeling full for longer time, therefore its good for weight loss..


Also known as foxnuts, these tiny balls are high in protein and fibre that makes it perfect for a weight-loss diet.


Grab a handful of nuts consisting of almonds, walnuts and peanuts for snacking as they have high unsaturated fat.


These crunchy snacks are prepared by baking the mixture made with whole wheat flour, flax seeds and sesame seeds.

Whole-Grain Crackers

Just roast chickpeas in olive oil along with spices of your choice and your protein-packed vegan snack is good to go.

Crunchy Chickpeas

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