Slurrp - 2022-11-18T185615.101

Try This Healthy Ketchup Made From Beetroot

By Shireen Jamooji

white ceramic mug with brown liquid

Ketchup is one of the most loved sauces around the world.  This recipe recreates the delicious flavour without any of the unnecessary sugars and preservatives. 

strawberry juice with sliced oranges


1 kg beetroot 2 tbsp oil 1 red onion 1 carrot 1 stick celery 2 cloves garlic 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1 chilli 1 teaspoon salt 175 ml red wine vinegar 70 g light brown sugar (optional)

onion on white plate

Step 1 

Preheat your oven to 200C and bake the beetroot for an hour until tender all the way through. Trim off the ends, peel and chop them into small pieces.

pot of red sauce food

Step 2

Saute your finely chopped onion celery and carrots. Add in the crushed garlic and cumin powder and cook for 5 more minutes. Finely chop the chilli and add it in with the beetroot, salt and red wine vinegar

black handled stainless steel spoon on brown wooden chopping board

Step 3

Simmer for 20 minutes blend until smooth. Return the puree to the pan and add in the sugar. If it’s too thick, add water and keep simmering over a low heat till you reach the desired consistency, let it cool and then transfer to sterilised, airtight jars or bottles.
