Try This Flax Seed Recipe To Improve PCOD Woes

By Jhuisha Lunia

Many women suffer from PCOD as a result of dysregulated hormones. Flax Seeds are high in nutrition and can sometimes help correct hormonal imbalance and lessen discomfort. Try these simple ways to include Flax Seeds in your diet. .

Flaxseed Roti

Roughly grind the flax seeds and add them to your everyday roti dough for a boost of health.

Flaxseed Smoothie

Amp up your morning smoothie with a teaspoon of flax seeds.

Flaxseed Laddoos

Get the best of both worlds with a delicious and healthy sweet by mixing ground flax seeds with jaggery.

Flaxseed Tea

Add a few spoons of flax seeds next time you’re making your afternoon chai for added nutrition.