closeup photo of marshmallows on bowl

Try These Natural Marshmallows With 0 Added Chemicals

By Shireen Jamooji

white marshmallow

We love the pillowy softness of marshmallows, but what we don't love are preservatives and artificial sugars.  With this recipe you can make a batch of totally natural, delicious treats at home.

honey in glass on tabel


250g (1 cup) filtered water 3 tbsp agar agar powder 200 gm raw honey 1 tsp organic vanilla extract ¼ tsp sea salt

white casserole with gray spoon on black surface

Step 1

Place water, gelatine, honey, salt and vanilla in a saucepan and gently heat while stirring continuously for 10 minutes.

multicolored whip with cream

Step 2

Let it cool and them whisk iIn an electric mixer, gradually increasing the speed until it forms soft, glossy peaks.

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Step 3

Pour the mixture into a greased tin or pan and freeze until set. Cut into squares and serve.

marshmallows and hot chocolate