Easy Dishes For Your Potluck Dinner

By Risha Ganguly

Potluck dinners are extremely fun with the right kind of food and good company. Here are some easy and delicious dishes that you can cook for your next potluck feast.

Soyabean Chilli

As easily as it is made, soyabean chilli is extremely delicious too. It is a great option if you are thinking of making the perfect starter.


Easily made in batches, sandwiches are everyone's favourite potluck dish. They are filling, tasty and fuss-free.


Needless to say, salads are easily put together. Plus, taking salad to a potluck is always a good idea for people who do not want to eat heavy.


No one has ever said no to a creamy serving of pasta. Not only is it a quick dish to make, it is definitely a crowd favourite.


For dessert, what better than make a large batch of rich, chocolate brownies? Saves your time, effort and makes you a favourite at the party!