Try These Dietary Tips To Control Your Sugar Cravings 

By Deepali Verma

It's common practise for many of us to indulge in a sweet treat after meals or at other predetermined intervals. How then can you reduce the tendency to seek out sugary foods? Here’s to know. 

Protein-rich diet 

Protein-rich foods diminish hunger and cravings. Eat lean meats, plant-based protein, eggs, lentils, and Greek yoghurt. 

Eat Regular Meals 

Skipping meals or going too long without eating might lower blood sugar and increase sugar cravings. To sustain energy, eat balanced meals regularly. 

Include Healthy Fats 

Healthy fats like avocados, almonds, and olive oil make you feel full and reduce cravings. Add these fats to meals and snacks for feeling satiated. 

Stay Hydrated 

Hunger and desires can be caused by dehydration. To stay hydrated and avoid eating, drink enough water throughout the day. 

Sugar cravings might comfort you under stress. Practise relaxation, exercise, or hobbies to handle stress. 

Manage Stress