corn on the cob on a plate with a lime wedge

Try These Corn-Based Snacks To Satiate Your Cravings

By Garima Johar

March 14, 2025

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Corn-Chaat-Fun Food Frolic

There are times when you don’t have an appetite for a whole meal but still have a growling stomach. To satiate such cravings guilt-free, try these corn-based snacks to keep yourself energised.

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Crispy Corn

Crispy corn is a crunchy snack made by deep-frying corn kernels mixed with chopped tomatoes, onions, and capsicum.


Corn Chaat

For a healthier option, you can make a corn chaat with sweet corn with a squeeze of lemon and chopped veggies.


Cheesy Corn Fritters

For a light snack, you can have cheesy corn fritters and enjoy them with chilli sauce or ketchup.

brown bread on brown wooden plate


Cornbread is a moist and slightly sweet snack which can be paired well with honey or butter.

Southern Style Hush Puppies with a Creamy Dip

Corn Puffs

For bite-sized treats, you can make corn puffs and enjoy different flavours.

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