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Try These Beetroot Recipes For Winter

By Nikita Toppo

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Beetroot is the one of the most popular winter vegetables that helps in staying healthy this season. Here are five ways to include them in your diet.

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Beetroot Halwa

This delicious dessert is made with whole milk, ghee and dry fruits that goes well after every meal.

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Beetroot Pickle

Made along with cream, butter and spices, this soup not only keeps you warm but also has anti-inflammatory properties.

Beetroot Smoothie

Add some chopped beetroot along with other ingredients in your smoothie and your healthy winter smoothie is ready.

Beetroot Tea

Just boil two chopped slices of beetroot in water and add ginger, lemon and honey to it. Serve hot.

Beetroot Paratha

Made with grated beetroots and ghee, this delicious paratha is best served with any chutney as winter breakfast.