Try These 6 Delicious Cakes This Christmas

By Saumya Singh

Cakes and Christmas have an inseparable bond. So don’t miss munching on these super luscious cakes this season!

Swiss Roll

Often filled with whipped cream, jam, or frosting, Roulade or Swiss Roll is a traditional log cake that is believed to be originated in Austria and Slovenia.

Fruit Cake

As the name suggests, prepared from dried apricots and cherries and often garnished with raisins, fruit cakes are served during celebrations. The origins lie in ancient Rome.

Bundt Cake

Made in Bundt pans with their shape inspired by the ancient Europen cake known as Gugelhupf, records of Bundt Cakes can be found in American-Jewish cookbooks.

Date And Walnut Cake

With the richness of walnut and dates, enjoy Walnut and Date cakes with black coffee! Scotland is believed to be their birth land.


Born in Greece in 2400 BC, Gingerbread houses with the goodness of ginger, cloves, nutmeg, and cinnamon flavours are now a Christmassy Thing!

Plum Cake

What is Christmas without a Plum Cake? With dried fruits soaked in wine, plum cakes are believed to have originated in Medieval England for Twelfth Night and Christmas celebrations.