Make Bengali Topa Kuler Chutney, A Spring Speciality

By Ranita Ray

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The transition from Winter to Spring brings a gush of joy to the Bengali kitchen. It marks the season of topa kul or jujube. Using these sweet-tart berries, Bengalis make drool-worthy recipes. One of them is Bengali topa-kuler chutney. It tastes heavenly and completes a perfect lunch spread. Here’s the recipe.


Topa kul/Jujubes - 150 gm Sugar or jaggery 100 gm Turmeric powder ¼ tsp Salt – ¼ tsp Dry red chilli – 3 pieces Mustard Oil – 1 tsp Panch phoron – 1 tsp

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Step 1

Wash the jujubes thoroughly. Pick the ripe ones. Discard the stems. In a wok, heat mustard oil. Once it comes to a smoking point, add 1/2 tsp panch phoron and dry red chillies.

Step 2

Keeping the flame low, stir till the spices crackle. Ensure they aren't getting burnt. Now blend in jujubes, turmeric powder, and salt and give everything a thorough stir.

Image Source: mimpful@Instagram

Step 3

Cook for 2-3 minutes. Pour about 1/2 cup water and stir once again. Cover the wok with a lid and cook for a couple of minutes.

Image Source: ritarrannaghor@Instagram

Step 4

Remove the lid, and add the sweetener (jaggery or sugar). Boil till it reaches a thick consistency.

Step 5

Heat another pan, and pour the 1/2 tsp pan phoran. Roast it for a few minutes on a low flame. Remove from the heat and allow it to cool down.

Step 6

Pound the roasted panch phoran to a powder. Sprinkle it over the chutney as a finisher. Turn off the flame. Let the chutney cool down and serve it.

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