Tried These Sikkimese Snacks? 

By Nikita Toppo

Forget momos, have you tried these delectable local snacks of Sikkim, yet?

Sha Phaley

This delicious half-moon shaped snack is stuffed with meat or veggies and then deep fried in oil.  


Customary to the Newar community of Sikkim, this ethinic rice pancake is often topped with meat and veggies to enhance the taste. 


This filling and delicious roll is stuffed with tender meat and vegetables that is enough to satisfy your hunger pangs. 


Prepared with split black gram or buckwheat, these fritters are best served with the traditional silam ko achar.


This simple and tasty snack is prepared by roasting barley grains and it's also nutritious. 


Made with flour, sugar and milk, these fried biscuits are perfect to pair with evening tea.