Traditional Mohanthal Recipe To Try This Festive Season

By Garima Johar

September 10, 2024

Mohanthal is a traditional Rajasthani and Gujarati dessert that is made with besan (gram flour), ghee, sugar, and cardamom. If you are looking for authentic recipes to try this festive season, follow these steps.


2 cups besan 1/2 cup ghee 1 cup sugar 1/2 cup water 1 tablespoon cardamom powder A few strands of saffron Chopped dry fruits for garnishing

Step 1

Heat some ghee on medium flame and roast besan till it turns slightly brown.

Step 2

Make sugar syrup by boiling sugar mixed in water. Mix the roasted besan and sugar syrup.

Step 3

Once mixed, add cardamom powder and saffron and stir well.

Step 4

After the mixture thickens, transfer it to a greased tray or plate and spread evenly.

Step 5

Garnish with chopped dry fruits like almonds or cashew nuts, cut it into squares, and serve.