Traditional Leaves Used For Serving Food 

By Deepali Verma

June 9, 2024

Using leaves to serve food is an age-old practice in many cultures, offering natural, eco-friendly alternatives to plates. Here are five types of leaves traditionally used for serving food: 

Banana Leaves 

Widely used in South India, banana leaves are large, sturdy, and impart a subtle flavour to the food. They are ideal for serving rice-based dishes and curries.  

Teak Leaves 

Common in parts of Central India, teak leaves are used for serving snacks and light meals. They are known for their durability and slight aromatic properties. 

Lotus Leaves 

Popular in East and Southeast Asia, lotus leaves are used for steaming and wrapping food. They add a unique fragrance and keep the food moist and tender. 

Sal Leaves 

Used in tribal regions of India, sal leaves are stitched together to create disposable plates and bowls, perfect for serving a variety of dishes. 

Maple Leaves 

In Japanese cuisine, maple leaves are used to wrap and serve food, especially during autumn, adding a decorative and seasonal touch to meals.