Traditional Gujarati Chaas Recipe To Enjoy This Summer Season

By Yash Lakhan

April 21, 2024

Chaas, also known as buttermilk, is a popular yoghurt-based drink that is enjoyed throughout the country for its rich flavours and digestive benefits. It is believed that the drink originated in Gujarat and then it spread to various regions over the years. Made using a variety of spices, this drink is a must-have since it also acts as a cooling agent. Here's a quick recipe for you to try:


2 cups plain yoghurt (curd/dahi) 2 cups water 1 teaspoon roasted cumin powder 1/2 teaspoon black salt 1/2 teaspoon salt (adjust to taste) 1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh coriander leaves 1 green chilli, finely chopped (optional) A pinch of asafoetida (hing) Ice cubes (optional) Fresh mint leaves for garnish (optional)

Step 1

Mix the plain yoghurt and water in a large mixing bowl until completely blended and smooth.

Step 2

Add a sprinkle of asafoetida, chopped coriander leaves, black salt, ordinary salt, roasted cumin powder, and green chilli, if using. Toss to thoroughly mix in all the ingredients.

Step 3

After tasting the chaas, adjust the flavour by adding additional cumin powder or salt to suit your taste.

Step 4

You may add ice cubes to the mixture or let it cool for a little before serving if you would like your chaas cold.

Step 5

Transfer the chaas into glasses for serving. If desired, garnish with fresh mint leaves.

Step 6

Serve chilled chaas, particularly on hot summer days or to counterbalance the flavours of spicy foods.